Choose upright! By Artur Terekho. Libertäre Partei, Switzerland

Libertäre Partei

The Zurich cantonal and government elections will take place on February 12, 2023. In contrast to the National Council elections, the LP will not take part in these. This confronts us with the question of an election recommendation. The Libertarian Party Zurich first notes that in the last 3 years, especially with Covid, the big parties have failed over a long distance. Even the so-called bourgeois parties, which ostensibly promote freedom and personal responsibility, were unable to avert the coercive measures or even explicitly supported them. Even if the LP ZH does not share all of Aufrecht’s concerns and views, we are united in the fight against these unspeakable, divisive, misanthropic, state coercive measures. We therefore recommend the joint list of Upright/Free List for election. Aufrecht is a citizens’ platform that was created in the course of the covid coercive measures. The grassroots movement defends itself against state dictates and strives for more freedom and personal responsibility. In addition to the critical questioning of state power, the clear positioning against lobbying and a return to subsidiarity and federalism should be positively emphasized. Patrick Jetzer, entrepreneur in the gold trade, is also a member of the initiative committee of, which is chaired by Artur Terekhov. As a result, there is already a selective and valuable cooperation between LP and Aufrecht. We therefore recommend voting Aufrecht/Freie Liste in the Zurich cantonal elections and writing Patrick Jetzer on the ballot paper in the government elections.

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