
Declaración IALP sobre situación en Venezuela.

El presidente de Venezuela, Edmundo González Urrutia, ha dado un paso audaz en su lucha por la libertad y la reconstrucción democrática del país. Con un espíritu inquebrantable, ha iniciado una gira internacional que busca encender la esperanza entre los millones de venezolanos que, desde el exterior, sueñan con regresar a una patria renovada. Tras un emotivo comienzo en España, la gira ha llegado ahora a Argentina, donde la causa de la libertad venezolana ha encontrado un aliado estratégico. El 4 de enero de 2025, González Urrutia se reunió en la Casa Rosada con el presidente argentino, Javier Milei, quien le reconoció como mandatario legítimo. Ambos líderes reafirmaron su compromiso con la lucha por los valores de libertad, justicia y progreso en América Latina. Este acto histórico no solo representa un respaldo oficial, sino un símbolo de solidaridad hacia los millones de venezolanos que buscan el renacer de su país. En palabras de González Urrutia, “la reconstrucción de Venezuela comienza con cada venezolano que se une al llamado de la libertad”. En un gesto sin precedentes, se ha convocado a toda la comunidad venezolana en Argentina a participar en una manifestación pacífica en la emblemática Plaza de Mayo, un espacio que a lo largo de la historia ha sido testigo de luchas por la democracia y los derechos fundamentales. Esta manifestación busca no solo visibilizar la causa venezolana, sino enviar un mensaje claro al mundo: el pueblo venezolano está decidido a recuperar su futuro. Los libertarios de todo el continente nos solidarizamos plenamente con aquellos países cuyos gobiernos corruptos han pisoteado las libertades y el bienestar de sus ciudadanos. Venezuela, símbolo de resistencia y esperanza, está en camino de retomar su lugar como una nación de paz, crecimiento y dignidad. Estamos convencidos de que, con el liderazgo de González Urrutia y el apoyo de las fuerzas democráticas internacionales, Venezuela logrará su libertad y será un pilar clave para el progreso de la región. Hoy más que nunca, se respira el aire de un cambio inminente. La libertad no solo es posible, es inevitable.

Declaración IALP sobre situación en Venezuela. Leer más »

Ivan Dubois, Executive President of IALP and a member of the Parlasur Parliament, is participating in a meeting of Latin American parliamentarians in Kyiv, Ukraine. A few days ago, he attended a meeting with senior members of the Ukrainian government, including President Volodymyr Zelenskyy. They discussed the war crimes committed by the Russian government and the support needed from around the world to stop these actions.

Ivan Dubois, Executive President of IALP and a member of the Parlasur Parliament, is participating in a meeting of Latin American parliamentarians in Kyiv, Ukraine. A few days ago, he attended a meeting with senior members of the Ukrainian government, including President Volodymyr Zelenskyy. They discussed the war crimes committed by the Russian government and the support needed from around the world to stop these actions. Leer más »

Interview to Iván Dubois about his experience in Ukraine, IALP Executive President and Member of LLA(La Libertad Avanza) in the Mercosur Parliament.

Iván Dubois en Ucrania. ¿Qué aprendió el Líder Libertario en tierra de conflicto?/Iván Dubois in Ukraine. What did the Libertarian Leader learn in a land of conflict?»

Interview to Iván Dubois about his experience in Ukraine, IALP Executive President and Member of LLA(La Libertad Avanza) in the Mercosur Parliament. Leer más »

Ivan Dubois(IALP’s President) and Lilia Lemoine(LLA Parlamentary of the Argentinian Congress) visited Ukraine

A few days ago, Iván Dubois, president of IALP, and Lilia Lemoine visited Ukraine as representatives of Javier Milei’s government. Here they are meeting with Igor Zhokva, Deputy Head of the Office of the President of Ukraine

Ivan Dubois(IALP’s President) and Lilia Lemoine(LLA Parlamentary of the Argentinian Congress) visited Ukraine Leer más »

Resolution of IALP Against Censorship on Social Networks in Europe, the U.S., and the World

IALP declares its strongest and most vigorous rejection of any form of censorship, whether direct or indirect, that states may seek to impose on social networks, both in Europe, the United States, and anywhere in the world. In defense of freedom of expression, a fundamental pillar of any free and democratic society, we repudiate any policy, law, or measure that seeks to control, limit, or restrict the dissemination of ideas, opinions, or information in the digital realm. Considering: We Resolve: Conclusion: IALP is committed to fighting with all its might against any attempt at censorship and reiterates that the only way to a truly free society is the unwavering defense of freedom of expression in all its forms. Any measure that limits this freedom is unacceptable and will be firmly opposed. We will not tolerate authoritarianism disguised as regulation. Long live freedom! Portuguese: Resolução do IALP Contra a Censura nas Redes Sociais na Europa, EUA e no Mundo IALP declara sua mais firme e enérgica rejeição a qualquer forma de censura, seja direta ou indireta, que os Estados pretendam impor sobre as redes sociais, tanto na Europa como nos Estados Unidos e em qualquer lugar do mundo. Em defesa da liberdade de expressão, um pilar fundamental de qualquer sociedade livre e democrática, repudiamos qualquer política, lei ou medida que busque controlar, limitar ou restringir a difusão de ideias, opiniões ou informações no âmbito digital. Considerando: Resolvemos: Conclusão: IALP se compromete a lutar com todas as suas forças contra qualquer tentativa de censura e reitera que a única via para uma sociedade verdadeiramente livre é a defesa inabalável da liberdade de expressão em todas as suas formas. Qualquer medida que limite essa liberdade é inaceitável e será combatida com firmeza. Não toleraremos o autoritarismo disfarçado de regulação. Viva a liberdade! Dutch: Resolutie van de IALP Tegen Censuur op Sociale Media in Europa, de VS en de Wereld IALP verklaart haar meest ferme en krachtige afwijzing van elke vorm van censuur, direct of indirect, die staten proberen op te leggen aan sociale media, zowel in Europa als in de Verenigde Staten en overal ter wereld. Ter verdediging van de vrijheid van meningsuiting, een fundamentele pijler van elke vrije en democratische samenleving, verwerpen wij elke politiek, wet of maatregel die erop gericht is om het verspreiden van ideeën, meningen of informatie in de digitale sfeer te controleren, beperken of in te perken. Overwegende: Wij Besluiten: Conclusie: IALP verbindt zich ertoe met al haar kracht te vechten tegen elke poging tot censuur en herhaalt dat de enige weg naar een echt vrije samenleving de onwankelbare verdediging van de vrijheid van meningsuiting in al haar vormen is. Elke maatregel die deze vrijheid beperkt is onaanvaardbaar en zal met vastberadenheid worden bestreden. Wij tolereren geen autoritarisme vermomd als regulering. Leve de vrijheid! French: Résolution de l’IALP contre la censure sur les réseaux sociaux en Europe, aux États-Unis et dans le monde Le Parti Libertaire d’Espagne déclare son plus ferme et énergique rejet de toute forme de censure, qu’elle soit directe ou indirecte, que les États tentent d’imposer sur les réseaux sociaux, tant en Europe qu’aux États-Unis et partout dans le monde. En défense de la liberté d’expression, un pilier fondamental de toute société libre et démocratique, nous rejetons toute politique, loi ou mesure visant à contrôler, limiter ou restreindre la diffusion d’idées, d’opinions ou d’informations dans le domaine numérique. Considérant : Nous résolvons : Conclusion : L’IALP s’engage à lutter de toutes ses forces contre toute tentative de censure et réitère que la seule voie vers une société véritablement libre est la défense inébranlable de la liberté d’expression sous toutes ses formes. Toute mesure limitant cette liberté est inacceptable et sera combattue avec fermeté. Nous ne tolérerons pas l’autoritarisme déguisé en régulation. Chinese: IALP 对欧洲、美国及全球社交媒体审查的决议西班牙自由党坚决反对任何形式的审查,无论是直接还是间接,由各国政府试图在欧洲、美国及世界其他地方对社交媒体施加的任何形式的审查。我们捍卫言论自由,这是任何自由民主社会的基石,反对任何旨在控制、限制或约束数字领域内思想、观点或信息传播的政策、法律或措施。考虑到: Russian: Резолюция IALP Против Цензуры в Социальных Сетях в Европе, США и МираЛибертарианская партия Испании заявляет о своем решительном и энергичном протесте против любой формы цензуры, будь то прямая или косвенная, которую государства намереваются наложить на социальные сети как в Европе, так и в США, а также в любой точке мира.В защиту свободы слова, фундаментального столпа любой свободной и демократической общества, мы отвергаем любые политики, законы или меры, направленные на контроль, ограничение или сдерживание распространения идей, мнений или информации в цифровом пространстве.С учетом:

Resolution of IALP Against Censorship on Social Networks in Europe, the U.S., and the World Leer más »

State and institutional violence of the Chavista regime. Alianza Libertaria Venezuela.

  In Venezuela, state violence directed towards dissent has significantly intensified. Arbitrary detentions, attacks on opponents, and the persecution of those who support candidates not affiliated with the regime have become common tools for population control and perpetuation in power. These actions fuel the list of state terrorism acts perpetrated by the government, characterized by the systematic use of state terrorism to suppress opposition and strengthen its dominance. The Venezuelan state violates multiple international treaties by threatening, disappearing, and disqualifying opposition candidates or social activists. It is important to note that Venezuela is a signatory to the Rome Statute, which prohibits torture, kidnapping, war crimes, and aggression against individuals. Likewise, it ignores the International Convention for the Protection of All Persons from Enforced Disappearance, having signed but not ratified this treaty. These commitments oblige Venezuela to respect the human rights of all its citizens, regardless of their political affiliation. Recent events involving the Venezuelan state repeatedly demonstrate its lack of willingness to comply with signed international agreements. Therefore, it is difficult to argue that there is truly a rule of law in Venezuela. The irregularities in the Venezuelan process are too significant, with the most recent case being that of human rights defender Rocío San Miguel, who was detained on Friday, February 9, 2024, along with several family members. Her arrest was only confirmed on Sunday, the 11th, and on Monday, the 12th, the charges against her were announced, including attempted assassination and treason. Although the defender’s daughter, siblings, and ex-husband were released on Tuesday, the 13th, under certain conditions, such as the prohibition of speaking to the media and the restriction of leaving the country, this is part of a repressive escalation against citizens who disagree with government policies. This pattern has been accentuated since 2023, evidenced by the implementation of the «Bolivarian Fury» plan, which is nothing more than part of the escalation against the population that does not wish to continue with an authoritarian regime that has generated a holodomor and one of the largest mass exoduses in the region of citizens fleeing conditions of modern slavery experienced in the country. Alianza Libertaria Venezuela.

State and institutional violence of the Chavista regime. Alianza Libertaria Venezuela. Leer más »

Argentina Elections

    From IALP, we want to express our congratulations to Milei and La Libertad Avanza, for the remarkable result obtained in the recent Argentine elections on November 19th. Milei, with a titanic effort, first in his media participation and later in his foray into politics, has succeeded in spreading the message of freedom among the Argentine people. These citizens, for many years, were affected by statist ideas implemented by the Peronist party and other opposition parties, plunging the country, which was once an example of progress and economic freedom, into a lamentable situation. It is important to emphasize that libertarian ideas encompass freedom in all areas, a concept that Milei understands perfectly. Therefore, we hope that right-wing leaders seeking to capitalize on their election do not distort the true purpose of these ideas. At IALP, we sincerely wish great success in their management, with the hope that it contributes to the emergence of libertarian thinking in as many countries as possible.

Argentina Elections Leer más »

European Election 2024. By PDV(Parteidervernunft). Germany

Our Candidates (from left to right) Jan Hensen, Jens Alter, Michael Bienek, Markus Mieth, Irakli Betchvaia, Dirk Hesse, Thomas Flach, Dr. Regine Tuckermann, and Rudolf Mayer. For Freedom and Individual Self-Determination in Brussels Next year marks the election for the 10th European Parliament. The PDV intends to position itself early on to give a consistent voice to the values of freedom and individual self-determination. To this end, our nomination party congress took place in June. In total, we selected 13 candidates for our joint federal list. Leading the list are our Federal Chairman Dirk Hesse (NRW), our Deputy Federal Chairman Thomas Flach (SN), and the Lower Saxony State Chairman Markus Mieth (NI). Starting from list position 4, we have our Federal Board members Irakli Betchvaia (NI), Rudolf Mayer (BW), our Federal Managing Director Jens Alter (SN), Friedrich Dominicus (BW), our Federal Finance Director Michael Bienek (SL), Dr. Regine Tuckermann (SH), Jan Hensen (NI), Frank Albrecht (NRW), Georg Semmler (RP), and Florian Schulte (NRW). Further details about the European election and the upcoming PDV election campaign will follow soon.

European Election 2024. By PDV(Parteidervernunft). Germany Leer más »

The Definition of Inconsistency. By Martin Day. UK Libertarian Party

That old bete noir, Guy Verhofstadt, is at it again, celebrating an Indian order for Airbus of 500 aircraft, which was brought about of course by Europeans working together. This of course flies in the face of all of his other green pronouncements. This is the new kind of politician , not leaders but followers. Following anything that is vaguely ‘popular’ irrespective of the inconsistency of what they are saying. The corporate PR lobby is in there too everything has to have ‘green‘ plastered over, and multi-cultural ‘normal‘ families adorn the nations adverts. “In the field of psychology, cognitive dissonance is the perception of contradictory information and the mental toll of it. Relevant items of information include a person’s actions, feelings, ideas, beliefs, values, and things in the environment. Cognitive dissonance is typically experienced as psychological stress when persons participate in an action that goes against one or more of those things. According to this theory, when two actions or ideas are not psychologically consistent with each other, people do all in their power to change them until they become consistent. The discomfort is triggered by the person’s belief clashing with new information perceived, wherein the individual tries to find a way to resolve the contradiction to reduce their discomfort.” Socialism is predicated on a belief the everything the government does is free and beneficial , whereas government is just the worse vehicle to manage or deal with anything. We all know that spending more than we have is ruinous , yet millions demand more and more spending of other people’s money if it’s in their interest. There is a finite point that this can carry on. Inflation is eradicating wealth at an enormous rate. Andrew Withers FRSA

The Definition of Inconsistency. By Martin Day. UK Libertarian Party Leer más »

Commemorating the uprising of June 17, 1953. Party of Reason(Germany)

Exactly 70 years ago, the young GDR state experienced the formative trauma of its entire existence. More than 1.5 million people unequivocally signaled through their protests on the streets that they were not ready to recognize socialism as the only valid form of society. What was particularly shocking was the realization that ordinary workers, who were actually the main addressees of the SED, were the first to withdraw their trust in the government. The delegitimization of the state had begun and could only be averted with the help of Soviet tanks. Only the crazy investments in a surveillance machine, the imprisonment of the entire people in an open-air prison and the unconditional willingness to suppress any dissenting opinion and to make the lives of obviously nonconformist people more difficult or even to destroy them could ensure the temporary survival of the GDR. The uprising of 1953 resulted in a total of 55 documented deaths. An estimated 15,000 people were sentenced by East German courts. We should think about these personal fates today when we measure the value of freedom. Original link: https://parteidervernunft.de/zum-gedenken-an-den-aufstand-des-17-juni-1953/

Commemorating the uprising of June 17, 1953. Party of Reason(Germany) Leer más »